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Premier Package

Subcategory Sponsorship Selection
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Ballot Button Category Selection
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Nominated Categories to Include on Custom Voting Page
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Click Through URL (What page do you want your fans to land after they vote?):
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Preferred Vanity URL ( (Usually business name)
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Art Submission
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Product Details

Subcategory Sponsorship: Every time a user is voting in a specific subcategory, you can put your exclusive branding message in front of them! Your message will be at the top of the subcategory page 100% of the time.

The 728x180 pixel ad appears on the ballot 19 days during voting. Choose a subcategory you are competing in or one with an audience you want to reach.

Custom Voting Page: Make voting quick and easy for your fans and followers! Receive a custom link to share out via social media, eblasts, your website, flyers, etc. Your custom voting ballot will include just your company, your branding and your categories you are competing in. Your Custom Voting Page will make it easy to get the vote out!

  • Custom voting link (e.g.:
  • Custom voting page includes 728x180 pixel art, nominated categories, and an exit to a URL of your choice
  • Let your patrons quickly vote for you each day without searching the ballot
  • Includes QR code for easy voting
  • Includes five (5) categories. Additional categories available at $25 a piece.

Voting Ballot Button: Make it easy for voters to find you on the ballot. Purchase one for every subcategory you are nominated in, and stand out amongst your competition. The 350x100 pixel ad appears on the ballot 19 days during voting.


Allow 24 hours to process order upon confirmation of payment. This ad is non-clickable. No discounts on rates for late-entry. Click here to view category details.

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Premier Package

©2025 FLX Local Media & NERUS Strategies, LLC. FLX Finest and the unique logo is a service mark of FLX Local Media may only be used with express permission. FLX Finest is powered with Optimum by NERUS.

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